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Research Guides

ACCT 408 - Student Affairs Research Resources (Spring 2024)

One Stop Searching for Articles, Books, Reviews & More

Library's Quick Search

With Quick Search in place, TAMU users can search for books, scholarly articles, reports, magazines, dissertations, news or other materials provided by TAMU Libraries with one search. Step 1) - enter your search terms.

Step 2) - In the search results' page, select the desired filter to "limit to" the type of materials you need. For example, choose 'Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) to find scholarly articles. Choose "Full Text" to limit to the full-text sources. If you want to get news, check the "News" box and so on.

Quick Search can help people to retrieve information faster. It is ideal for those who just want to locate some books or a few articles quickly. But this tool cannot match the rich indexing or other in-depth searches features allowed by ERIC, America: History & Life or other subject-specific databases