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Welcome to the Astronomy Subject Guide!

Howdy! This subject guide is prepared for you to locate, or access library material (books, journals, indexes/abstracts, technical reports, standards, etc.) relevant to computer science. Please feel free to let me know if you have any comments and suggestions on this guide.

Article Database Quick Links

Below is a quick list of primary journal databases that you can use for your research in Astronomy. Please navigate to the database page of this guide for more details about these databases,


Astronomy Abstracts Service from NASA ADS - This part of the NASA Astrophysics Data System provides a powerful search engine for the literature of astronomy and astrophysics.  It indexes articles, conference proceedings, several Observatory reports, newsletters, many NASA reports, and PhD theses.

INSPEC on Ei Engineering Village 2
Indexing of the world literature of physics, electronics, electrical & control engineering, information technology and computer & control systems. Indexes over 4,000 journals, conferences, reports, dissertations, and books. Combined searching with Compendex available on the Ei Engineering Village site.  Includes powerful search tools for astronomers.

Web of Science
Includes the Science Citation Index, which covers the most important science and engineering journals. Search by author, subject, or look for all the papers which have cited another paper.


The AIP online journal hosting service for more than 110 titles. Cross-links to many other scientific databases; TAMU users may register and customize the site.

Google Scholar 
This database is good for locating articles  by title and for multidisciplinary topic searches.  It is not a comprehensive database.

E-book Database Quick Links

Below is a quick list of primary E-book databases that you can use for your research in mathematics. Please navigate to the database page of this guide for more details of these databases,

Safari Tech Books Online 
Springer E-Books