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Tax Court Decisions Search Guide


Checkpoint  [TAMU]
Current and historical professional federal tax research materials including U.S. Tax Reporter, Federal Tax Coordinator 2d, Warren Gorham & Lamont Financial Reporting and Management Sources with AICPA materials, and RIA's editorial analyses.

There are three kinds of opinions or decisions issued by Federal Tax Court: Summary decisions, Regular decisions and Memorandum decisions. All these decisions, current and archival, are available in Checkpoint. The regular decisions are published in the U.S. Tax Court Reports.  To locate other tax law resources in our collection, search the library's main website or the library's online catalog.

Library website >Select Databases >Type in Checkpoint > Table of Contents (or In the Navigation box, enter FEDERAL LIBRARY) > Federal Source Materials > Federal Tax Decisions >

Westlaw [TAMU]
US Tax Court Coverage begins with 1924.
Cases > US Tax Court > Do a search here. Then use the Topic filters to limit to a specific topic area.

To export to CSV format > Email > List of items > CSV

Google Scholar [Case Law]

Includes an option to search for the regular and memorandum decisions issued by the Federal Tax Court, current and historical.

Select Tax Court > Enter a year, for example, 2021 or full name, docket number or other information to search.

To export the selected cases to CSV format, 1) Select each case by clicking on the STAR icon under each case. You will be asked to log in My Library where all the selected cases will be listed. On the upper left corner, use EXPORT ALL drop-down arrow to select CSV format.

HeinOnline [TAMU]
Archival federal tax court's decisions from 1942-2021.

Current and historical legal resources ranging from law reviews, to regulatory documents such as the Federal Register and the Code of Federal Regulations, the United States Code, federal and state statutes, treaties, foreign and international law collections, an American Law Institute Library including Restatements of the Law, a United Nations law collection, state attorney general opinions, federal agency decisions and more.

Databases> Browse Database by Name> U.S. Federal Agency Documents, Decisions and Appeals> Browse by Agency> Tax Court > Reports of the United States Tax Court [or use the library's direct link in the catalog to find them, which is much easier. See the link below]

Library Online Catalog
A direct link to the Reports of the United States Tax Court through HeinOnline (1942 to 2021) to find U.S. tax court's decisions.


Cheetah [TAMU]
Administrative Law Treatise, Alternative Clauses to Standard Construction Contracts,Americans with Disabilities Act,Architect & Engineer Liability: Claims Against Design Professional Construction Change Order Claims,Design-Build Contracting Handbook,Digital Communications Law,Employment Law Answer Book,Environmental Liability & Real Property Transactions Epstein on Intellectual Property,Public Employee Discharge & Discipline,Right to Die, Scott on Multimedia Law,Software Patents,Texas State Tax Report....

Bloomberg Tax  [TAMU]
Tax Management Portfolio and Tax Management Tax Practice Library, Tax and Accounting Center (BNA)
Includes access to Tax Management Tax Practice Library, Tax Management Portfolios, and information on U.S. income, estates gifts and trusts, federal forms, and daily tax.