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Texas A & M Libraries Logo Research Guides

International Studies

How to Use This Guide?

The guide is developed based on INTS' six degree tracks: Art & Culture, Commerce, Communication and Media Studies, Environmental Studies, Politics & Diplomacy, and Geographic Information Systems. Click on a tab on the left navigation panel to find the customized resources for that specific degree track. You could also use the next box below to get quick access to some selected core resources. To find books, DVDs or other materials owned by the library, use the Libraries Catalog.

Databases Recommended

TIPS: Use "online" to find ebooks, "DVDs" to find DVDs...

Films by Language / Country

Films by Language / Country (TAMU)

1) Go to the Advanced Search, Library Online Catalogue
2) Select a Format (make sure to select Video at the bottom of the list) and a Language
3) Submit.

Do not enter a search term if you want to see all the French audiovisual titles as illustrated by the image below. Just select the formats and the language.