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An introduction to Zotero, an open-source tool for managing research.


Zotero supports online syncing, so you can access your Zotero library on any computer with internet access. Zotero syncing is split in two parts: data syncing and file syncing.



Groups provide a powerful way to share collections with a class, work closely with colleagues on a project, keep track of conversations in your field more broadly, and keep tabs on what people at your institution or in your department are working on.

There are two ways to create Zotero groups:

  • You can click the New Group icon located next to the New Collection icon in the top left corner of the Zotero FireFox add-on. 
  • You can also click the Create New Group button on the groups landing page.
  • There are three types of groups:
  • Private groups - no public profile for the group, only members can see the group
  • Public, closed membership - anyone can view the group page, but the only way to join the group is by invitation or by requesting an invitation
  • Public, open membership - open public groups are useful for the broadest discussion and collaboration

More on groups from Zotero.