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Texas A & M Libraries Logo Research Guides



The Libraries of Texas A&M University have almost 4 million printed volumes; over 38,000 journal, magazine, and newspaper subscriptions; over 60,000 electronic resources; and is a repository library for United States and State of Texas government information. The Libraries consist of the Sterling C. Evans Library and Annex, the Cushing Memorial Library and Archives, the Business Library and Collaboration Commons, the Policy Sciences and Economics Library, and the Medical Sciences Library. Material of greatest interest to literature researchers will be located in the Evans Library and Annex, and the Cushing Memorial Library.

Searching Tips

Many of the electronic resources can be accessed from off-campus by Texas A&M University faculty, staff, and students who must login with their NEO login and password. Once the initial login is completed, there is virtually unlimited access until the patron has logged off, or closed the Web Browser window. Use the navigational tabs above to find materials of interest among our many resources. Please note that some of the materials listed in the categories will be printed materials only, though many exist in both print and electronic forms.

University Writing Center

The University Writing Center is dedicated to helping "students learn to write and speak more effectively."

For hours, locations, and to make an appointment, visit them at the Writing Center's website.