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ReDiReCT Disaster Response Toolkit

Disaster Apps

Show Me for Emergencies

Easy-to-understand icons for two-way communication with those having difficulty understanding English, hearing impairments, or cognitive disabilities. From the Massachusetts Dept. of Public Health.

CAMEO Chemicals

Hazardous chemicals datasheets to get response recommendations and predict hazards, like explosions or toxic fumes. Developed jointly by NOAA and EPA.

Field Facts from the CDC

Crucial information to use in the early stages of a response to a potential bioterrorism incident - safety measures, protective clothing, sign and symptoms of disease for eight potential bioterrorism agents.

Hazardous Materials for First Responders, 5th ed Companion App

Includes skill videos and exam prep.

Provider Resilience

Set of tools for those who treat service members, veterans and their families to support resilience and fight burnout and compassion fatigue.


This mobile website was developed to "[support first responders and others who are assisting individuals with access and functional needs in times of crisis." It includes general tips, information on helping people with mobility, cognitive, hearing, or visual impairments among others.

MyRadar (free version)

Shows street-level radar; allows many layers, including aviation, earthquakes, wildfires, fronts, warnings/watches, clouds, temperatures, air quality, winds, and lightning. Shows class, hi-def, and temperature map. Includes summary of current temperature, air quality, and outlook for next two days.

Disaster Alert by Pacific Disaster Center

Shows layers of events (lightning strikes, wildfires, etc.) Can request reports of certain areas. Information included in reports: Population data, including density, risk, multi-hazard risk index, lack of resiliency index, and historical hazards (like earthquakes and hurricanes).


Want to learn more?

Be Texas Ready

Questions? Contact Sheila Green at