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Evidence-Based Practice


Reviewing and reflecting is a crucial part of the evidence-based practice (EBP) process. This involves evaluating the entire process and outcomes to improve future practice which can be accomplished through self-evaluation.

Asking a Clinical Question

Clarity and Specificity

  • Was my PICO question clear and specific?
  • Did I clearly define each component of the PICO (T) (S) question?


  • Did I review and refine my question to ensure it was well-structured and answerable?
  • Did I seek feedback from peers or mentors to improve my question?


  • Did I include a relevant comparison group or intervention?
  • Was the comparison meaningful and likely to yield useful insights?


  • Were the outcomes I was interested in measurable and specific?
  • Did I identify clear and objective criteria for the outcomes?


  • Was my question focused enough to guide a systematic search for evidence?
  • Did I avoid making my question too broad or too narrow?


  • Was my PICO question feasible to answer with available resources and within a reasonable timeframe?
  • Were there sufficient studies or data available to address my question?


  • Did my PICO question address a significant clinical problem or knowledge gap?
  • Was the question relevant to my practice or field of study?


Knowledge Translation Program. (2017). Evidence-based medicine toolbox: Self-evaluation approaches. Retrieved from Evidence-Based Medicine Toolbox | Self Evaluation Approaches 

Peters, Julia. (2024). Evidence Based Practice: 5 A's. A.T. Still Memorial Library. Apply - Evidence Based Practice: 5 A's - LibGuides at A.T. Still University of Health Sciences

Self-evaluate your approach to finding reliable, current, and applicable evidence.

Finding Evidence

General Searching

  • Do I know the best sources of credible and current evidence for my clinical field?
  • Do I know how to efficiently access the best sources?
  • Did I seek using a variety of relevant resources?

Search Techniques

  • Did I begin my search by seeking out the strongest level of evidence?
  • Am I effectively using helpful search techniques such as MeSH headings, limiters, Boolean operators, and search strings using perform my searches?

Study and Database Selection

  • Have I identified the best type of study to answer the clinical question?
  • Have I determined the best resources to find this study type?

Assistance and Collaboration

  • Have I contacted a medical librarian for assistance with my searches and questions?
  • Have I collaborated with peers and mentors in my search?

Self-evaluate your approach in evaluating the quality of sources, search strategies, as well as your critical appraisal skills,

Evaluating Evidence

  • Validity of the Study:

    • Did the evidence address the question?
    • Were the methods used in the study valid and appropriate for the research question?
  • Relevance and Applicability:

    • Were the results of this study important and applicable to my patient, population, or problem?
    • Does the evidence suggest in answering to specific questions I have in selecting a treatment approach?
  • Quality of Evidence:

    • Did I critically evaluate the external evidence?
    • Did I utilize a critical appraisal guide in evaluating the evidence?
    • Am I improving in accuracy and efficiency when applying critical appraisal measures like the likelihood of ratios and Number Needed to Treat?
    • How strong is the evidence in terms of study design and execution?

Self-evaluate your application of meaningfully applying the evidence to your practice.

Evaluating Application

  • Integration with Clinical Expertise:

    • Did I integrate the evidence with my clinical expertise and experience?
  • Patient-Centered Considerations:

    • Did I utilize evidence that considers the values, preferences, and circumstances of my patient?
    • Did I consider how the evidence will impact the patient’s quality of life and treatment outcomes
    • Did I explain the balance of evidence, including pros and cons, to my patient?
    • Did I explain and settle disagreements about treatment choices using this evidence?
  • Ongoing Evaluation:

    • How will I assess and evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment based on this evidence?
    • What metrics or outcomes will I use to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments?
    • Have I reviewed my performance in diagnosing and treating patients to ensure I’m following evidence-based practices?

Self-evaluate your patient communication skills after speaking to a patient about treatment methods.

Tailoring Information to Patient Needs

  • Did I successfully tailor the information to the patient’s unique needs and the specific decision they were facing?
  • Was I transparent about any uncertainties or limitations in the information, to build trust and allow for informed decision-making?

Clarity and Simplicity in Communication

  • Was I able to simplify complex information into smaller, manageable parts and ensure understanding with each section?
  • Did I avoid using medical jargon and instead choose familiar words to make the information accessible?
  • Did I use clear numbers and visuals, such as bar charts or icon arrays, to make the information easier to understand?

Engaging and Empowering the Patient

  • Did I encourage the patient to use their own words to explain the information, and was I able to clarify any misunderstandings?
  • Did I check for understanding effectively and adapt my approach if the patient seemed unsure?

Framing and Tone

  • Was my language neutral and non-emotive, avoiding terms that could cause unnecessary anxiety?
  • Did I frame information in a reassuring manner (e.g., effectiveness vs. failure rate) without misrepresenting the facts?
  • Was I mindful of using relative and absolute risks and provided real-world context for these numbers?

Professionalism and Respect

  • Did I speak to the patient in a respectful, professional manner?
  • This structure could be useful for reviewing and reflecting on patient interactions, providing a holistic approach to effective patient communication. Let me know if you need further refinement!