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Medical Sciences Library

Literature Reviews for Medical Sciences

Literature Reviews from start to finish: a guide on structure, best practice guidelines, and citations


The following adheres to APA Style Guidelines:

  • Begin on a new page
  • Restate your assignment title as a Level 1 Heading* (do not use "Introduction" as your heading)
  • Indent and double space
  • Use paragraph breaks or subheadings to break up the text*
  • Running header in top left for all pages in the remainder of the assignment
  • Page numbers in the top right in ascending order for the remainder of the assignment

*For more information on subheadings and when to use them, click on the tab that says Headings and Subheadings

The introduction will be similar to the abstract but more complex. It will seek to:

  • Introduce your reader to the topic
  • Provide any background or context on the subject
  • Identify important information on the scope of your paper (main points, structure, etc)
  • Highlight important themes and subthemes
  • Cover any intentional exclusions in the literature (ex: date ranges, source material)
  • Include a topic sentence or a thesis