Please see the full calendar of events to participate and be a part of a meaningful movement to end violence and abuse on our campus.
January is National Stalking Prevention & Awareness Month. Since 2018, Student Life has observed this initiative and provides educational opportunities to learn more about this serious crime, which is motivated by power and control and often escalates to perpetration of sexual assault. On the Texas A&M University campus alone, 19.4 percent of students (n=3,140) indicated that they had experienced at least one type of stalking behavior since enrolling at the school; 7.4 percent of these same students were the recipients of stalking behavior more than once and sustained fear for their safety and/or emotional distress as a result (Association of American Universities Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Misconduct, 2019).
See the calendar of events and programs at
The resources below are available to help you build your knowledge during the month of January and throughout the year.
This Research Guide is made in collaboration with Student Life. The resources highlighted and listed have been vetted by the Substance Misuse and Violence Prevention staff and are meant to help provide accurate and helpful information surrounding the topic of the guide for all Aggies to access and use.