What format types can be imported?
Fordatabase search results, save them in RIS format. For Google Scholar, select the star icon of each reference and then open My Library > export > RefMan > and the references will be saved in RIS format. For RefWorks, export the references in RIS. For EndNote, export it in RefMan (RIS) or XML.
Can I double check duplicates in case they are not real duplicates?
Yes.Click on the Check Duplicates button on the Importing for Screening page. You will see a side-by-side comparison and then if they are not duplicates click on the Not A Duplicate button.
When screening a reference, can I quickly check it against the Inclusion & Exclusion criteria?
Yes, on the Screening's page, click on theShow Criteria button.
During screening can I skip a reference if I am not sure what to assign?
Yes. Click on the TAG and select Come Back to This.
What to do if team members choose Maybe?
They will read the full text later just as they will do for choosingYes.
Shall I assign everyone with equal rights in team setting?
Most of the teams will probably assign the team leader with Manage Rules and a team member withfull rights(if there are more than two members in the team) to resolve any appraisal issues.
Will EndNote Basic/Web work with bulk full text uploading?
Not presently. Use EndNote Desktop instead.