I. What is a Literature Review?
The purpose of a review is to analyze critically a segment of a published body of knowledge through summary, classification, and comparison of prior research studies. It can be a simple summary of the sources, but it usually has an organizational pattern, combining both summary and synthesis.
III. What Major Steps and Basic Elements Literature Reviews Require?
IV. Which Citation Tool Are You Going to Use to Manage the Literature Sources?
Choose your citation tool before conducing your literature reviews. There are a number of choices, including following software supported by the Libraries and the University:
Cited references are the sources consulted in writing an article or a book, often referred to within the text of the work. A list of cited references may appear as Bibliographic Notes, Footnotes or Endnotes, References, List of Sources Cited or Consulted. In order for an article to be cited, it needs to have been published for a long enough period of time for another published article, citing it to appear.
These listings can be helpful in a number of ways:
The cited reference databases are efficient in pulling together many articles on a topic with their references and in identifying which articles on a topic have been cited most frequently. They can also help identify the “top” journals in a field by impact factor, which may be useful for assessing them.
Caveat: While cited references are often used, none of the resources listed herein are by any means comprehensive. These resources cover defined subject areas and are limited to certain journals, and thus only contain the citations from those journals.Searches can be done by:
The citation of the article will be retrieved with its references as well as the number of times cited and by whom.
You can refine your search results by subject area, useful when there is more than one author with the same name, or by document type. You can see the number of articles in your set contributed by particular authors and institutions and can create a citation report to identify which articles in your results have been cited the most.
You can easily export your results to bibliographic software like EndNote or RefWorks.
Articles can be searched by:
The database allows accounts to be set up and can save search alerts and journals lists. Scopus also provides journal analytics including data and graphs to illustrate the total citations, articles published, trend line and % not cited over time. It has the ability to exclude self-citations.