The easiest way to populate your SciENcv biosketch is through an ORCiD iD. Once you have created and are satisfied with your ORCiD profile, go back to your SciENcv account and sign in again (if you are logged out) and follow steps 1-3 in the Sign in to SciENcv and Create a CV section.
Your ORCiD information is now available in SciENcv.
You can also link to other partner organizations, or add other trusted institutions directly from your My NCBI account. Instructions and help are available from the NCBI website.
Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) is both a standard and a service to help researchers establish and maintain their scholarly identity. ORCID helps distinguish researchers with similar or identical names, differences in spellings or translations of names across languages, and change in their name or affiliations over their career.
ORCID aims to prevent name confusion in digital collections of publications or databases. ORCIDs assign unique and persistent identifiers and manage records of researchers and their research activities including scholarly works, affiliations, and funding.
ORCID iD is available to any scholars who want to obtain an ORCID iD and manage their record of research activities. The iD is a randomly-assigned, sixteen-digit number that uniquely distinguishes a researcher from all others in the world.
Go to and click "Register now!". A complete guide for creating, connecting, and maintaining your ORCiD iD is available at