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Texas A & M Libraries Logo Research Guides

Educational Administration

Research Databases

The databases grouped and listed below are recommended for research on Educational Administration topics. Keep in mind, no single database includes all resources. Depending on your topic, you may need to use multiple databases to locate the information you need.

  • If you are accessing databases from off-campus you will be required to authenticate with your NetID and password.  

  • When the full text of an article is not linked directly from the database (PDF or HTML link) click on the "Find Text @ TAMU" button for links to the full text. 

  • Access to additional databases can be found by selecting the Databases button on the library homepage.

For help with identifying databases, schedule a research consultation with a librarian for one-on-one assistance.

Research & Scholarly Initiatives Librarian

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Diana Ramirez
(979) 862-1048