I. Education Journals Acceptance / Rejection Rates
- Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities contains acceptance rates, review process, and more in Accounting, Economics & Finance, Management, Marketing, Education, Library Science, and Psychology. See also Cabells Classification Index / Cabells Altmetric Report under II. Journal Citation Reports / Citation Analysis
- A Compendium of Journals Published by the Family and Consumer Sciences Research Institute at Iowa State University
- American Psychology Association Journal Acceptance Rates
- Journal Finder (Elsevier) Results show - match, impact, editorial times, acceptance rate, embargo period and more
II. Journal Citation Reports (Citation Impact): JCR, JCI / Cabells Classification Index (CCI) / Google Scholar Metric
- Journal Citation Reports shows journals impact factors (JIF) and more. Path> Web of Science > Additional Resources > JOURNAL CITATION REPORTS >
JCI vs JIF - [Note: Use Journal Citation Reports to find JCI]
Journal Citation Indicator (JCI) - In June, 2021, JCI was published. JCI "represents the latest development in the long evolution of the JCR – a continuum that has recently seen the addition of Open Access data, Early Access content and more. Read the full white paper for a detailed discussion of the Journal Citation Indicator, its calculation and its implications" <https://clarivate.com/blog/introducing-the-journal-citation-indicator-a-new-field-normalized-measurement-of-journal-citation-impact/>
- Google Scholar > Settings> Metric>Top Publications (arrow button) > Social Sciences - Subcategories> Educational administration
- Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities / Cabells Metrix: Cabells Classification Index / Cabells Altmetric Report
What is the CCI? According to Cabell, "The Cabell's Classification Index is a journal ranking system based on subject. Each subject in a journal has its own percentage score built with citation data. The CCI shows how much influence a journal has in your field of study." In other words, if Journal A and Journal B both cover a particular subject but Journal A ranks higher in CCI scores, then Journal A has greater impact on that particular subject area based on the citation data.
- Scimago Journal and Country Rank includes journals and country scientific indicators from Scopus. These indicators can be used to assess and analyze scientific domains. Data back to 1996 (Scopus).
- Eigenfactor shows ratings of the total importance of a scientific journal
EF -- Eigenfactor score measures the importance of a journal to the scientific community, by considering the origin of the incoming citations, and is thought to reflect how frequently an average researcher would access content from that journal
AI -- Article Influence score measures the average influence of articles in the journal, and is therefore comparable to the ISI impact factor. <<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eigenfactor>>
- Scopus covers journals in science, social sciences, humanities and medical fields. To determine the SJR of a journal: Scopus > JOURNAL ANALYSER > enter a journal name> see its SJR, SNIP, CITATION .Note, we do not have access to Scopus
III. Altmetric Attention Score (ALT) / Linked with Grants, Patents, Clinical Trials
- Altmetric Explorer - to monitor the online activity surrounding academic research. Browse by author, group, or department for your own institution, benchmark against peer organizations, report on the outcomes of outreach activity, and integrate the insights the data provides into evaluation and review processes.
Example - John smith: his total mentions, output with attention, outputs tracked, mentioned by social media /news /patents..., his top journals, top affiliations, top subject areas and more...
Dimensions (linked with Altmetric) - is the database that "links publications and citations with grants, patents, clinical trials, datasets, and policy papers" and more <https://www.dimensions.ai/why-dimensions/>.
IV. Authors' H index and More
- Web of Science > enter name in AUTHOR field > CREATE CITATION REPORT
- Scopus > AUTHOR SEARCH > enter NAME, AFFILIATION >VIEW CITATION OVERVIEW > H Index or the H Graph in the Overview.
- To determine Cabell Classification Index (CCI), Altmetric Report, Scite Index > Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities
V. Works or Authors Cited
VI. Some Scenarios of Journal/Author/Institution Output Analysis
- Research outputs by EHRD Department, College of Education, Texas A&M University - Use Altmetric Explorer > Research Outputs
- Web of Science > Do a topic search > Refine the results by Affiliation> Select Texas A&M.
- Journal Rankings (by year)
Scimago Journal and Country Rank > Click on JOURNAL RANKING > the select subject area, category...
- Journal Rankings by H-Index (by year)
- A Given Subject (for example - Cancer)
Web of Science > Additional Resources >Essential Science Indicators> Research Fronts
Google Scholar > Settings> Metric>Top Publications (arrow button) > Social Sciences - Subcategories> Educational administration
- "Highly Cited Papers (last 10 years (Essential Science Indicators)
Web of Science > Additional Resources >Essential Science Indicators> Highly Cited Papers (last 10 years)>By Field > Social Science, General > Go (Note: you could also search by name or by institution )
- "Hot Papers - Last 2 Years (Essential Science Indicators, Web of Science)
- Hot Subject Areas by Country
Scimago Journal and Country Rank >Map Generator > Country > Subject.
- Research Output of an Institution
Scopus > AFFILIATION SEARCH > institution name (to find publications, authors, patents, subject areas...)
- Comparing Journals
- Average Citation Rates (Comparing Fields)
Web of Science > Additional Resources >Essential Science Indicators> "Baselines" >citation rates table.
- Average Cites per Document
Scimago Journal and Country Rank E.g. - in the field of education ranked by countries
- A Given Journal
Web of Science > Additional Resources >Essential Science Indicators> "Journals" > By Name
- Field Ranking (Comparing Fields)
Web of Science > Additional Resources >Essential Science Indicators> "Baselines" >field ranking table
- Field Rankings for Texas A&M
Web of Science > Additional Resources >Essential Science Indicators> "Institutions" > texas a&m univ
- Countries / Territories
Web of Science > Additional Resources >Essential Science Indicators> "Countries/Territories"
- Scimago Journal and Country Rank
- International Collaboration
To find out the percentage of documents by authors coming from more than one country. Scimago Journal and Country Rank > Compare > Select 2 or more regions, run report and then open International Collaboration
VII. Journal Self Cites
- Journal Self Cites
Web of Science > Additional Resources >Essential Science Indicators> Submit> a full journal title > Cited Journal Data > Journal Self Cites
VIII. Online Availability (journals in specific databases) / Peer-reviewed Journals
IX. Publisher's Copyright Policies & Self-archiving
- Sherpa RoMEO - publishers' general policies on self-archiving of journal articles. Each entry provides a summary of the publisher's policy, including what version of an article can be deposited, where it can be deposited, and any conditions that are attached to that deposit.
X. Topic Trends, Frequent Keywords, Frequent Journals, Frequent Authors​
- Any Proquest database> search a topic > see PUBLICATION DATE bar graphs. (Each bar shows the number of articles published within that decade. The change of the graphs reveals the trends of a given topic.)
- Annual Reviews A multidisciplinary database. You can re-rank search results by Most Cited or Most downloaded. The database also has a way to show Frequent Authors, Frequent Journals and Frequent Keywords.