Would you like guidance on an information tool or resource? We can provide a one-on-one or group learning session, in-person or via webinar. Visit our Instructional Services page for more information and to book a request. We also offer a number of regularly scheduled workshops that you might find useful - they are listed on our calendar.
Do you need a resource that you don't have instant electronic access to? Use our Get It For Me system to request delivery of print materials to your off-campus location or PDF copies of allowable content to your inbox. We can also have items ready for in-person pick-up at one of our campus libraries.
You've search our website for an educational video, book, curriculum item, or teaching resource and haven't found it. The Suggest a Purchase form allows you to request that we purchase it for the collection. When purchased, it can be checked out to you (and mailed if you work outside College Station). Just a few of the things we will purchase include:
- Books and e-books
- Videos & other multimedia
- E-journal/magazine subscriptions
- Database trials, data sets, & more!
- Technology items
As a member of the Texas A&M community, you are eligible for a TexShare library card. This program grants you borrowing privileges at participating libraries throughout Texas.
The University Libraries provides services and tools to help you optimize your research data management (RDM), create a RDM Plan, and preserve and provide access to your research data. See our Research Data Management Guide for more in-depth information.