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Tip for Adding References(Collecting and Importing)

TIP: Regardless of how you collect and import items into RefWorks,  RefWorks will fill in all available metadata (title, authors, year, etc.), but references may be incomplete if the metadata isn't available.  When you are adding items into RefWorks is the best time to double check that all of the information is complete and correct.  While you have the items in your hand, open in another tab, or otherwise easily accessible.  Spend a little time now making sure that your references are the best they can be and you will thank yourself later.

Add References

Within RefWorks you have three options for adding references. Click on the plus sign on the tabbed menu at the top to do one of the following:

  1. Upload document
    • If you have an existing document (i.e., PDF), click on this option to open up a file selector box and select the item to upload it to RefWorks; you can upload multiple documents at a time using the Control (PCs) or Command (Mac) key
    • You can also drag and drop PDFs from your computer into RefWorks; when you drag a selected PDF to the program a large blue circle will appear to direct you where to drop the file
  2. Import references
    • Click on this option to directly import files from RefWorks and Mendeley
    • You can also either drag and drop or upload reference files downloaded from databases; RefWorks supports multiple file formats
  3. Manually create a new reference
    • Click on this option and a form will pop up that will allow you to input reference information

Add References with Save to RefWorks

Save to RefWorks is a bookmark used to add citations from webpages, Pubmed, Google Scholar, and more. NOTE: Will not grab citation(s) from PDFs.

Step 1: Adding Save to RefWorks to Browser

1. Within RefWorks, Select  Tools  then click on  Tools and then Install Save to RefWorks

2. Drag the Save to RefWorks button up to the browser toolbar. If toolbar does not appear:

For Google Chrome

a. Click on Settings (Triple vertical dot icon in right corner)

b. Check Always show bookmarks bar

For Firefox

a. Select Show your bookmarks bar> Bookmarks Toolbar

b. Check View Bookmarks Toolbar

For Internet Explorer

a. Select Hub (triple horizontal bar icon) from right

b. Under Settings, turn Favorites bar on

Step 2: Using Save to RefWorks

  • For Webpages
  1. Go to a webpage, then click on Save to RefWorks
  2. Click Import to Refworks

Be sure to edit the record as needed

  • For Pubmed
  1. Select items by clicking box next to each.
  2. Click on Send to and select Clipboard
  3. Click on # items next to Clipboard
  4. Click on Save to Refworks
  5. Select item, then click Import to RefWorks
  • ​​​​​​​For articles/book citations listed on a website
  1. ​​​​​​​If you see a DOI, ISBN, or Pubmed ID number, click on Save to RefWorks
  2. Select items in Save to RefWorks window and click Save to RefWorks button

Add PDFs to Already Imported References

To add a PDF to an already existing reference in your RefWorks library:

  • Click on the reference to open the reference editor
  • Click on the edit icon (little pencil) in the upper-right-hand corner
  • Drag the PDF to the reference editor OR click on the link to pull up the file selector box and upload the PDF

Check for Duplicates

When you import references you can check to make sure you aren't importing duplicates.

  • On the tabbed menu at the top of the page, click on the three vertical dots
  • Click "Find Duplicates"
    • Select between searching for duplicates in your entire RefWorks library OR just the current folder you are in
    • Choose between a Strict Match (titles, authors, and publication dates must match exactly to trigger a duplicate alert) or Fuzzy Match (if data between titles, authors, and publication dates are similar a duplicate alert will be triggered)
  • A list of any duplicates will display
  • Select any references that you would like to delete and click on the trash can icon on the tabbed menu at the top of the page

Add Endnote Library to RefWorks

  1. Export records from Endnote to your computer as an RIS file (plus sign icon in top toolbar)
  2. Click on New Reference button (plus sign icon in top toolbar)> Select> Select Import reference
  3. Drag and drop or select files from you computer