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Customize your Refworks Account

You can customize a variety of options in your account Settings including connect to Dropbox and changing the name of up to 15 fields.

  1. Click on your name drag down list in the upper right corner of RefWorks
  2. Select Settings

You can customize your display options on when viewing lists of references under Display in the upper right hand corner of the interface. You have these options

  • Select number of references displayed per page
  • Select normal, table, full, or citation view for references
  • Display Folders and/or tags with citations by selecting Customize 

Get Full Text Through RefWorks

  1. in RefWorks, click on a reference in your list to open the full citation information in the side panel
  2. In the side panel, click on FindText@TAMU, shown below the citation title

RefWorks after Graduation

RefWorks allows users continued access even after leaving TAMU. Access is also extended to TAMU alumni