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Aerospace Engineering

To find books, search the catalog, full text eBook databases, other databases

Search the Libraries' catalog to find:

  1. A specific book or textbook
    1. Limit "choose a search type to: "title keyword", or "title starts with"
  2. Books on a topic
    1. Start out with a keyword search, but notice the "subject headings"
    2. Limit "choose search type" to: "subject keyword"
  3. A particular type of book, such as a handbook, computer manual, book on MATLAB ...

Search across the full text of one of the engineering eBook databases - Note each book owned by the Libraries is also listed in the Libraries Catalog.

In the following databases LIMIT your search to book chapter. NOTE: These databases do NOT contain the full text of books. to find the book, look up the book title in the Libraries Catalog.


Multi-disciplinary eBook databases - books access through these databases are also listed in Libraries Catalog