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Hispanic Studies & Spanish Language

Camino Real and History of Colonial New Spain Citations

Camino Real and History of Colonial New Spain

  • Chipman, Donald E. and Harriett Denise Joseph.  Spanish Texas, 1519-1821.  Austin: U of Texas P, 1992.
  • Entradas and Royal Inspection Expeditions
Future DeWitt Colony
1550-1800. Pedro de Rivera Villalón 1727.  Sons of DeWitt Colony Texas.
  • Texas. Department of Transportation, Environmental Affairs Division.  A Texas Legacy: The Old San Antonio Road and the Caminos Reales, a Tricentennial History, 1691 – 1991.  A. Joachim McGraw, John W. Clark, and Elizabeth A. Robbins, eds.  Austin: Texas Department of Transportation, 1998.


  • Calderon Quijano, Jose Antonio.  Historia de las fortificaciones en Nueva España; prólogo del Excmo, Sr. D. Diego Angulo Iñiquez. Sevilla: Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos, 1953. 
  • Jiménez Núñez, Alfredo.  El gran norte de México: una frontera imperial en la Nueva España (1540 - 1820).  Madrid: Editorial Tébar, S.L., 2006.
  • Moorhead, Max L.  The Presidio: Bastion of the Spanish Borderlands.  Norman: U of Oklahoma P, 1975. 
  • Naylor, Thomas H. and Charles W. Polzer, S.J., eds.  Pedro de Rivera and the Military Regulations for Northern New Spain, 1724-1729, A Documentary History of His Frontier Inspection and the Reglamento de 1729.  Tucson: U of Arizona P, 1989. 
  • _____. The Presidio and Militia of the Northern Frontier of New Spain, Volume One: 1570-1700, A Documentary History. Tucson: U of Arizona P, 1986.
  • _____. The Presidio and Militia of the Northern Frontier of New Spain, Volume Two: 1570-1700, A Documentary History. Tucson: U of Arizona P, 1986.
  • O’Connor, Kathryn Stoner.  The Presidio La Bahia del Espiritu [i.e. Espiriitu] Santo de Zuniga, 1721 to 1846. Austin: Von Boeckmann-Jones Co., 1966.
  • Quesada, Alejandro de. Spanish colonial fortifications in North America, 1565-1822. Stephen Walsh, ill. Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 2010.
  • Rivera, Pedro de.  Diario y derrotero de la vista a los presidios de la América septentrional española (1724-1728).  Malaga: Editorial Algazara, 1993. 
  • Smith, Fay Jackson.  Captain of the phantom presidio : a history of the presidio of Fronteras, Sonora, New Spain, 1686-1735, including the inspection by Brigadier Predo de Rivera, 1726. Spokane: Arthur H. Clark, 1993.
  • Urrutia y las Casa, José de.  Plano de la villa y presidio de S. Antonio de Vejar situado en la Provincia de Tejas en 29 grad. y 52 minutos de latitud borl. y 275 y 57ʹ de longd. contados desde meridiano d Tenerife. Ithaca: Historic Urban Plans, 1976.

Cartography and Geography

  • Akerman, James R., ed. Imperial Map: Cartography and the Mastery of Empire. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2009. 
  • Buisseret, David, ed. Monarchs, Ministers, and Maps: the Emergence of Cartography as a Tool of Government in Early Modern Europe.  Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1992.
  • Gerhard, Peter. Guide to the Historical Geography of New Spain.  Norman: U of Oklahoma P, 1993
  • Jacob, Christian. The Sovereign Map: Theoretical Approaches in Cartography throughout History.  Dahl, Edward H, ed. Conley, Tom, trans. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2006.
  • Mundy, Barbara E.  The Mapping of New Spain: Indigenous Cartography and the Maps of the Relaciones Geográficas.  Chicago: The U of Chicago P, 1996. 
  • Portuondo , María M.  Secret Science: Spanish Cosmography and the New World.  Chicago: The U of Chicago P, 2009.
  • Reinhartz, Dennis and Gerald D. Saxon, eds. Mapping and Empire: Soldier-Engineers on the Southwest Frontier. Austin: U of Texas P, 2005.