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HIST 105: History of the U.S. 1492-1877 (Galveston)

Finding Primary Sources

Primary sources allow researchers to get as close as possible to original ideas, events and empirical studies as possible. Such sources may include first hand or contemporary accounts of events, publication of the results of empirical observations or studies, creative works such as a novel or painting, and other items that may form the basis of further research. Primary sources were created in the time period under study. 


  • Novels, plays, poems, works of art, popular culture, other artifacts
  • Diaries, narratives, autobiographies, memoirs, speeches, interviews, audio or video recordings
  • Data sets, technical reports, experimental research results
  • Government documents, patents
  • Newspaper articles written at the time
  • Original documents (birth certificate, will, marriage license, trial transcript)

Clark State. (2021). Management 1000: Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sources. Clark State Community College Library: Research & Resources.