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Medical Sciences Library

Resources for Clinicians in Practice

Meet the Medical Sciences Library

TAMU NetID and Library Access

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Research and Education Services

Get It For Me - This is the library's free document delivery and interlibrary loan service.

Center for Systematic Reviews and Research Syntheses - The center provides services for a fee for projects falling outside the scope of the TAMU Libraries Review Service.

Research Guides - These guides are created by librarians to assist you with navigating databases, data management, and the citing and writing process.

UpToDate - An evidence-based clinical resource which includes collections of medical and patient education information, access to Lexi-Comp drug monographs, and a variety of medical calculators.

DynaMed - Point of care tool providing best available evidence. Updated daily.

VisualDX - Visual clinical decision support system used to build a differential by selecting symptoms and other parameters. View descriptions of possible matches, critical alerts, and images to support selection of the best diagnosis.

Micromedex Solutions - Drug database providing evidence-based clinical information at the point of care for medication, toxicology, and disease management.

Essential Evidence Plus™ & AHFS DI® Essential™ - Up-to-date, evidence-based guidance and monographs with essential information for both Rx and key OTC drugs.

GIDEON - Infectious disease knowledge management tool for diagnosis and reference in the fields of tropical and infectious diseases, epidemiology, microbiology and antimicrobial chemotherapy.

PubMed - National Library of Medicine's interface to MEDLINE, covering medicine, dentistry, nursing, veterinary medicine, healthcare administration, and the pre-clinical sciences.

PubMed PICO Search - Search MEDLINE/PubMed via Patient, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome (PICO) search.

ClinicalKey - Full text access to medical texts, medical journals, practice guidelines, drug information, patient handouts, and CME materials.

Google Scholar - To link directly to library subscriptions, add Texas A&M University - Full text@TAMU to your Google Scholar Library Links - see information in this FAQ.

Web of Science - Access to the Science Citation Expanded Social Sciences Citation Index, and Arts & Humanities Citation Index. Search information from 8,500 journals and cited reference searching in any direction through the literature.

EMBASE - Access over 24 million records from 7,500+ journals and 2,000 biomedical titles not currently in MEDLINE. Also contains almost 800 conferences, and 260,000+ conference abstracts.

MedEdPORTAL - Provided by the Association of American Medical Colleges and the American Dental Education Association to facilitate exchange of peer-reviewed health education teaching and assessment resources.

DR MERL - Dependable Reviews of Medical Education Research Literature: collection of reviews of the latest research in medical education.

KeyLIME - Key Literature in Medical Education: podcasts bringing you the main points of a medical education article in just 20 minutes.

AAMC Core Entrustable Professional Activities for Entering Residency