Full text of 36 journals encompassing over 45,000 articles. Subject areas - Assessment, Curriculum, Educational Administration, International Education, Multicultural Education, Teaching Methods, and Early Childhood through Higher Education.
Articles from over 600 periodicals, monographs, and yearbooks covering all levels of education from Preschool to Adult, Educational Technology, School Administration, and Teacher Education.
Access over 24 million records from 7,500+ journals and over 2,000 biomedical titles not currently in MEDLINE. Also contains almost 800 conferences, and 260,000+ conference abstracts.
Abstracts of education-related articles, conference proceedings, reports, research analyses, dissertations, teaching guides, instructional materials, books, and government documents.
To link directly to library subscriptions, add Texas A&M University – Full text@TAMU to your Google Scholar Library Links - see information in this FAQ, http://askus.library.tamu.edu/faq/233169
National Library of Medicine's interface to MEDLINE, covering medicine, dentistry, nursing, veterinary medicine, healthcare administration, and the pre-clinical sciences.
Access to the Science Citation Expanded Social Sciences Citation Index, and Arts & Humanities Citation Index. Search information from 8,500 journals and cited reference searching in any direction through the literature.
A medical test review database. Interactive multimedia database that contains over 12,000 questions and explanations covering all 3 steps of the USMLE.
Critical Appraisal Skills Programme - Knowledge Hub with useful links and a bibliography of articles to review as a starting point for critical appraisal. Workshops are available for a fee.
Full text access to selected medical texts, medical journals, practice guidelines, drug information, patient handouts, and CME materials. ** To limit to First Consult content, click the drop down arrow to the left of the search box and select. **
Covers a wide range of medical, nursing, and health science specialties and includes a suite of information that has been analyzed, appraised, and prepared by expert reviewers.
Provided by the Association of American Medical Colleges and the American Dental Education Association to facilitate exchange of peer-reviewed health education teaching and assessment resources.
Provides evidence of the effectiveness of a given practice, program, or policy (referred to as “interventions”), and disseminates summary information and free reports (heavily K-12, but Post Secondary Education is addressed).
The University Libraries secured open access publishing opportunities, resulting in over $1.5 million in savings for Aggie researchers. Scholars from Texas A&M University can publish their research in journals produced by Sage Publishing, Cambridge University Press, Wiley Publishing, and others at a discounted cost or even for free.
A collaborative service operated by faculty from the Department of Statistics which provides statistical advice to other faculty members at Texas A&M University. The SCC provides support in research planning, experimental design, statistical modeling and analysis, and statistical methods development.
On your mobile device, easily find, read, and monitor thousands of scholarly journals available from TAMU Libraries, or through Open Access publishers, covering all disciplines.
Suite of 3D interactive models of human anatomy, allowing the user to zoom, rotate and peel away layers. Supporting media, MRIs, X-rays, live-action movies and animations are included.
Interdisciplinary journal providing a source of research methods in cell, developmental and molecular biology, genetics, bioinformatics, protein science, computational biology, immunology, neuroscience and imaging.
Browse and compare the research data sharing policies of federal funding agencies.
Foundation Directory Online
The nation's leading online funding research tool opens U.S. foundations to public view. Developed by the Foundation Center, a national nonprofit service organization.
Infectious disease knowledge management tool for diagnosis and reference in the fields of tropical and infectious diseases, epidemiology, microbiology and antimicrobial chemotherapy.
Centralized location for grant seekers to find and apply for federal funding opportunities. Houses information on over 1,000 grant programs and vets grant applications for 26 federal grant-making agencies.
Evaluate and compare journals using citation data drawn from over 7,500 scholarly and technical journals from more than 3,300 publishers in over 60 countries. Can show you the: * Most frequently cited journals in a field * Highest impact journals in a field * Largest journals in a field
Point-of-care information from clinical databases and applications. Includes drug interactions, tablet & capsule identification, medical calculations and patient advisory leaflets.
Medscape provides access to biomedical information including: drug information and pill identification; disease monographs with author information and disclosures; medical news and perspectives; continuing medical education and other education resources. It is appropriate for student and practitioners in medical fields. Medscape access requires registration for a free account; however, free access is granted in exchange for permission to track and gather user data. Please be sure to carefully read the privacy policy before committing to an account.
Published by: WebMD
Gives up-to-date information on most every herbal and dietary supplement used in the western world, with search features to find the use, adverse effects, interactions, safety, and effectiveness of each natural medicine.
Bring together the right research opportunities, funding, and people. Provides global and local connections that strengthen research by exploring new avenues for funding and collaboration for faculty, staff researchers, and graduate students.
Offers access to complete details on how to prepare for, perform and follow up on common procedures required in the hospital setting. Many are demonstrated with videos. To set up a Procedures Consult group to create and manage assignments, please contact the Medical Sciences Library (askmsl@library.tamu.edu or 979-845-7428).
Database of reproducible laboratory protocols in the Life and Biomedical Sciences that offers researchers access to nearly thirty years worth of step-by-step protocols for immediate use in the lab.
A collaborative service operated by faculty from the Department of Statistics which provides statistical advice to other faculty members at Texas A&M University. The SCC provides support in research planning, experimental design, statistical modeling and analysis, and statistical methods development.
Features over 90,000 peer-reviewed images representing all ages and skin types, as well as disease variation based on severity and stage, including classic and rare presentation.