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Chemical Demonstrations

Search our Libraries Catalog using keywords (e.g., chemical demonstration) or use Library of Congress Subject Headings. For the latter, change the dropdown menu from "Keyword" to "Subject headings browse" in the advanced search mode and individually try the following subject headings: Chemistry Experiments, Science Experiments, or Scientific Recreations.

To search for books beyond what is owned by Texas A&M, use a database called WorldCat to find and request.

Below are links to videos, mainly websites, showing chemical demonstrations.  

Most of the journal articles involving chemical demonstrations will be found in the Journal of Chemical Education, Education in Chemistry, and Chemical Educator. If you want to search those journals plus many others you'll want to use a database.

You can try keyword searching (e.g., chemical demonstrations) or try some of the following subject headings. 

ERIC: DE "Demonstrations (Educational)" or DE "Demonstrations (Science)"

Education Full Text: DE "Teaching Demonstrations"

Education Index Retrospective: DE "Science -- Demonstrations" or DE "Chemistry -- Demonstrations"

You can also combine those subject headings with keywords like chemistry, chemical, or even a particular type of demonstration (e.g., kinetics, phosphorescence, or hydrogen balloon). If the full text is not available in the database, use the "Find Text @ TAMU" button to locate the full text or request the item through our Get It For Me service.

Below is a list of journals and magazines that feature chemical and scientific demonstrations.

Other journals and magazines that may contain relevant demonstrations are:

A few items about the history and art of the chemical demonstration:

Jensen, W. B. (1991). To demonstrate the truths of “chymistry.” Bulletin for the History of Chemistry, 10, 3-15

Kauffman, G. (1996)Lecture demonstrations, past and present. The Chemical Educator, 1(5), 1-33.

Toftlund, H. (1988). History of the lecture demonstration. Education in Chemistry, 25(4), 109-111.

Taylor, C. A. (1988). The art and science of the lecture demonstration. Bristol, England: Adam Hilger.

History of the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures
Started in 1825 by Michael Faraday and continues to this day!