► Google Books Ngram Viewer - word frequencies analyzer
- A visualization tool for analyzing word frequencies across Google books or other digitized documents. When you enter some selected words, Ngram viewer will display line graphs showing how they have occurred in a corpus of books over the years. This could be a useful tool for research. See more examples at the bottom of this page.
- Example - I want to find out the occurrence dates and frequencies of the phrases institutionalized prejudice vs that of individual prejudice.
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How to Search
(1) Enter the phrases separated by a comma and then search.
(2) Optional: Choose American English, British English or other languages.
(3) Optional: Mouse over any point of the lines to see the appearance ratio.
(4) Findings: Based on this search, in1832 the phrase "institutionalized prejudice" first appeared in a U.S. Supreme Court file. The phrase "individual prejudice" appeared much earlier and got more used than the phrase "institutionalized prejudice."
(5): Click on any year range under Search in Google Books to display the actual documents or books where the phrases occurred.
(6) You could also use its Advanced Search to do more sophisticated searches - https://books.google.com/advanced_book_search. For example, there are studies that searched across books by language. See also other examples at the bottom.
Trending: The use of phrase "institutionalized prejudice" began to grow from 1940s on. However around the year 2000 the rising trend ceased to ascend while the use of "individual prejudice" still remained soaring. Right click the image below to see the larger image.
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- Example - "The phrase "Stupid Is As Stupid Does" became popular in 1994 with the release of the movie Forest Gump. It has been used widely ever since." < https://en.amazingtalker.com/questions/1468>.
The graph presented below serves as visual evidence supporting this assertion.

Next, click on Search in Google Book, adjust the time period to your area of interest to find out where the phrase appears and in which publications.

- More Examples:
- Sociology studies using Ngram viewer.
- Political Science studies using Ngram viewer
- Language and culture studies using Ngram viewer / Psychology of Culture
- N-gram sentiment analysis (twitter, text, linguistics, media, political news...)
- N-gram authorship attribution
- Plagiarism n‐gram
- n gram text similarity
- "large document collections" text similarity n gram
- n gram text mining