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Data / Dataset Search - Social Sciences and Other Disciplines

Dimensions Analytics User Guide

Dimensions Analytics
     Impacts of Publications, Citations, Grants, Patents, Journals, Authors, Institutions...

  • Dimensions is a linked research knowledge system that re-imagines discovery and access to research. Developed by Digital Science in collaboration with over 100 leading research organizations around the world, Dimensions brings together grants, publications, citations, alternative metrics, clinical trials, patents and policy documents to deliver a platform that enables users to find and access the most relevant information faster, analyze the academic and broader outcomes of research, and gather insights to inform future strategy. <>.
  • Differences between Dimensions Free and Dimensions Analytics.
  • See a quick comparison table below:
    Comparison Table
  • Log in: Register with your TAMU NetID. Logging in is required to access Research Organizations or certain categories, as well as to utilize Save/Export for exporting purposes.

Total number of publications, datasets, grants, patents, clinical trials or other scholarly outputs by TAMU

  • Tips: Search for Texas A&M in the main search box or browser under Filters> Research Organization >Texas A&M University Findings include: Publications > Datasets> Grants> Patents> Clinical Trials> Policy Documents

    More Tips:
    For GRANTS, USE Sort By to limit to Funder, Amount or other categories.
    For more information about grants, see this page: The Grants Data -

    For DATASETS, from the findings list, click on a dataset link to go to the hosting institution. The dataset page may show an ANALYTICAL VIEWS page that includes Research Categories (economics, humanities, law...), Visualization graphs showing the number of datasets published in each year, Researchers, Funders, Research Organizations, Places or Compare by Institutions.

    More Tips: To find TAMU as an organization, change Document (default) search to Organizations in the Search Box. Data retrieved includes:TAMU (Organization ID grid.264756.4, Location, Organization type) Relationship (Parent organizations, Child organizations, related organization) & Location details.

Authors (citations, attention scores, grants, etc.)

  • Search for a research by his or her name and then select the Researcher. The findings may include:
    Profile: shows citations, publications, datasets patents active grants or other information
    About: shows fields of research and concepts
    Network:shows co-authors and funded-by
    Publications: publications with citations (Total citations, Recent citations, Field citation ration and Relative citation ratio) and Altmetric Attention Scores
    Grants, Datasets, patents and more
    Publications by places -  if a researcher worked at several institutions in the past and you want to trace back his or her publications by place, see Research Organizations under Analytic Views.
    Key authors in a journal - See Journals

Articles/ Books / Book Chapters / Conference Proceedings ...

  • Enter the title or click on an article interested if linked. It will display the bibliographic data such as authors, abstracts, full-text links and references. The Publications Metrics on the right panel will show Citations and Altmetric attention scores. It may also include Document history, Research categories, Mesh terms or other information.

    TIPS: You may be able to see the Document History of an article from preprint to> publication and/or > post publication. To see the history, click on the document > Document History. To see its impact > Publication Metrics.To see an author's publications by institutes, see Research Organizations if s/he has worked for different institutions in the past.
  • Searching for articles on a topic by institution and by fields of research - EXAMPLE - Looking for articles about artificial intelligence and education published by TAMU researchers.

    (1) Log in to enter your email address in order to see the full set of filters > (2) In the general search box enter your search terms artificial intelligence and education > under RESEARCH ORGANIZATION find and LIMIT TO Texas A&M University > under FIELDS OF RESEARCH, select EDUCATION, ENGINEERING or other research fields > and then search.

Research Fields

  • Research Categories> Fields of Research > Search to find Sociology > Click on the Limit to button. See the results as of 11/2022    Publications  527,423 / Datasets  4,669 / Grants   24,827 / Patents   8,717/ Clinical Trials  197 / Policy Documents  3,667


  • Filters > Source Title > More > search for the journal title, e,g, Sociological Methodology > Limit To
    Sociological Methodology: Publications 704 / SNIP 2.080 / SJR 1.990 / Datasets 14
    Under Analytic Views, you will find more information such as Research categories, Researchers, Source titles, Funders, Research organizations,  Places, and Compare.
  • Key Authors in a Journal - Filters > Source Title to locate a journal first. Under Analytics view to see Researchers.
  • Research categories covered by a journal - Analytic views > Research categories. Double click it to display the full view. For example, find International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health first, and then under Analytical Views > RESEARCH CATEGORIES > Public Health > Sports Science & Exercise. You could also select the Journal and then search for SPORTS. This may be somewhat similar to Cabell's CCI index for journal subjects coverage but with much more information and details.

Open Access Status / Definition of Open Access Filters

  • In document searches, under Analytical Views, the results are categorized into All OA, Gold, Hybrid, Bronze, Green, or Closed. "Dimensions relies on the unpaywall data set to flag articles as Open Access and for the full text button." For examples, Gold = Publication is published in a fully open access journal. Bronze=Publication freely available on publisher's website, but without an open license (Unpaywall OA status = Bronze).
  • See Definition of Open Access filters

Comparing Publications by 2 Institutes within PubMed

  • See the 3rd example in the Compare Variable's page of this guide.
  • You could also compare authors, journals and more.

VOSviewer - See your data in a network of bibliometric mappings.

  • Example: To visualize the publications in the field of psychology by TAMU researchers


  • Select Texas A&M from Research Organization > select Psychology from Field of Research > Select Researchers> 4803 results are found.
  • Go to Analytic Views > Researcher > Network. See the image below.    

