Women Make Horror: filmmaking, feminism, genre by Alison Peirse, et alISBN: 9781978805118
Publication Date: 2020-09-17
"But women were never out there making horror films, that's why they are not written about - you can't include what doesn't exist." "Women are just not that interested in making horror films." This is what you get when you are a woman working in horror, whether as a writer, academic, festival programmer, or filmmaker. These assumptions are based on decades of flawed scholarly, critical, and industrial thinking about the genre. Women Make Horror sets right these misconceptions. Women have always made horror. They have always been an audience for the genre, and today, as this book reveals, women academics, critics, and filmmakers alike remain committed to a film genre that offers almost unlimited opportunities for exploring and deconstructing social and cultural constructions of gender, femininity, sexuality, and the body. Women Make Horror explores narrative and experimental cinema; short, anthology, and feature filmmaking.