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Workshops & Consults by Request: Library and Research Skills

There are many library sources, research tools and methods that can facilitate your success in research and class activities.

  • framing and scoping topics
  • more effective ways to find information
  • evaluating authorities and sources
  • identifying analytical methods
  • finding data
  • organizing sources (including for citation and attribution)
  • visualizing or presenting

These sessions can be tailored to the specific topic or approach.  It can also be an individual or small group consultation, capstone session, a larger class or hands-on workshop.

Just contact me via email at and we can schedule a time for your requested session. I can aso facilitate bringing in other instructors to address specialized tools, sources or methods.

Software and Business Tutorials

Language Learning Online

Tools for Citation and Organization

Citation management software can simplify preparing your paper, article, report, or grant.  The software helps you build a database of citations by either manually adding the information or interacting with an indexing and abstracting database or website to import the citations.  The software will also interact with word processing applications and help you correctly format your in-text citations and bibliography for different citations styles (APA, Chicago, JAMA, etc.).

Faculty, staff, and students have several citation management software options. A few of the more common ones are listed below.

  • EndNote - the University pays for a campus wide subscriptions to the desktop version of this software for both Mac and PC.  The online version is available through the University Libraries subscription to Web of Science. An iOS app is available, but there currently is no app for Android devices.
  • RefWorks - the University Libraries maintains a subscription to RefWorks.  RefWorks is an online only application, and, while it doesn't have an app, it does have a mobile optimized version for use on smaller screens.
  • Zotero - is a free software that is available as a Firefox plugin or as a download to PC, Mac or Linux.
  • Mendeley - is owned by Elsevier, but is currently freely available.  It has a client as well as iOS and Android apps.

The Libraries offer workshops on citation management. Check the calendar for upcoming events. 

Assistance for GIS